Diamond tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri). Home

They are not gregarious, but they need at least a small group, otherwise they will get sad from loneliness. 

 They are not aggressive, but they are not averse to chasing small fish, and they can even eat decorative shrimps. 

 They are not large, about 5 centimeters in length from the muzzle to the extreme tail, but an aquarium of 60 liters is too small for their small group. 

 Diamond Tetras: fish that love space, it’s all about them.

These fish are not bright, but for how beautifully they shimmer and shine in the aquarium, especially under natural light, that’s why they were nicknamed diamond. Adults have a barely noticeable pinkish tinge on the tail and a long sail-like dorsal fin. And now imagine all this in an emerald, actively growing greenery. Among the rocks and driftwood. 

Movement in fits and starts is combined with free sliding through the water column.Interesting fish, try it yourself.

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